A. General Provisions. A body piercing or tattooing establishment must be a minimum of sixty (60) square feet for one body piercing or tattooing artist and forty (40) square feet for each additional artist. A body piercing or tattooing establishment must be physically separated from other facilities used for practices other than body piercing or tattooing. A minimum of thirty (30) foot-candles of light shall be provided for body piercing or tattooing and a minimum of ten (10) foot-candles for general lighting. Floors and walls of the area must be smooth, easily cleanable, nonabsorbent and in good repair. Ceilings above the body piercing or tattooing area must be smooth, easily cleanable and in good repair. In no event may a tent be used as a body piercing or tattooing establishment.
B. Handwashing Facility Required. An easily accessible hand washing facility supplied with warm, potable running water must be provided in or directly adjacent to the body piercing or tattooing area. Each hand washing facility must be provided with liquid soap and single use paper towels.
C. Toilet Facilities. Toilet facilities must be available for employee or patron use.
D. General Use Equipment. Tables, chairs and other general use equipment must be constructed of plastic, metal with enamel or porcelain coating, or stainless steel. General use equipment must be maintained in an easily cleanable condition. Covered waste containers with single use plastic liners must be provided.
E. Animals Prohibited/Restricted Activities. Animals other than guide dogs are prohibited in body piercing or tattooing establishments. Smoking, eating and drinking are prohibited within ten (10) feet of the body piercing or tattooing area. Except for beauty salons, body piercing or tattooing establishments may not be used for activities which are not directly associated with the practice of body piercing or tattooing.
F. Maintenance. A body piercing or tattooing establishment must be maintained in a clean, sanitary, vermin free condition and in good repair.
G. Inspection. A body piercing or tattooing establishment must be inspected at least annually by the South Dakota Department of Health to determine compliance with this chapter.
H. Required Equipment. A body piercing or tattooing artist must have the following minimum equipment:
1. One gallon each of germicidal soap, isopropyl alcohol and distilled water for prepping skin;
2. Three hundred (300) disposable latex or vinyl examination gloves;
3. Access to the applicable sterilization and sanitization measures in this chapter;
4. Closed dust-proof containers for the exclusive storage of instruments;
5. Gauze and bandages.
6. Any other equipment required for compliance with any section of this chapter. (Ord. 700 (part), 2011: Ord. 506 (part), 1999)