8.06.040   Restricted activities.
   A.   Body Piercing or Tattooing Artist. A body piercing or tattooing artist may not engage in the practice of body piercing or tattooing while under the influence of alcohol or other mind-altering drugs. Minors are prohibited from the practice of body piercing or tattooing. A body piercing or tattooing artist who knowingly has an infectious disease in a communicable state may not body pierce a patron. Infectious diseases include rashes, skin lesions, boils and blood borne diseases such as viral hepatitis B and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. A body piercing or tattooing artist shall wear clean, laundered clothing and shall bathe daily.
   B.   Patrons Restricted/Notice Posted. A body piercing or tattooing artist may not body pierce or tattoo a patron without first obtaining a signed consent. The consent must include a statement by the patron that he is free from infectious or contagious disease in a communicable stage. This includes rashes, skin lesions, boils and blood borne diseases such as viral hepatitis B and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. A body piercing or tattooing artist may not pierce or tattoo a patron with evident skin lesions or skin infections or who is known or suspected to have an infectious or contagious disease in a communicable stage. No body piercing or tattooing artist may body pierce or tattoo a patron who is under the influence of alcohol or other mind-altering drugs.
   C.   Minors. Minors may not be body pierced or tattooed unless the minor's parents have signed a notarized consent form authorizing the body piercing or tattooing, or one of the minor’s parents is present at the time of the body piercing or tattooing. A body piercing or tattooing artist shall conspicuously post a notice stating that it is illegal to body pierce or tattoo any person under the age of eighteen (18) without the parents’ signed consent. (Ord. 700 (part), 2011: Ord. 506 (part), 1999)