1.08.020   Secondary elections.
   A.   The city shall, when no candidate in a race involving three or more candidates receives a majority of votes cast, establish a secondary election to be held two weeks from the date of first election.
   B.   At the secondary election only the two candidates who received the highest number of votes from the first election shall be voted for. The candidate receiving the highest votes at the secondary election is elected.
   C.   The secondary election shall be held at the same polling places, be conducted, returned and canvassed and the result declared and entered upon the journal of the municipality in the same manner as the first election.
   D.   The finance officer shall have a notice of election published once during the week next preceding any secondary election. Such notices shall include the list of candidates on the election ballot. However, a copy of the official ballot need not be published for any secondary election. (Ord. 415 §§1—4, 1994)