§ 17.300.015 ACCESS.
A.   Access to Streets.
   1.   Every structure shall be constructed upon, or moved to, a legally recorded parcel with a permanent means of access to a public street, in compliance with City standards.
   2.   All structures shall be properly located to ensure safe and convenient access for servicing, fire protection, and parking.
   3.   Parcels located on a private street, which were legally established before the effective date of this Title, are exempt from the required compliance with the latest adopted City standards for private streets.
B.   Pedestrian Access. All multiple-family residential, non-residential, or mixed use developments shall provide a minimum of one pedestrian walkway of no less than four feet in width, from each adjoining street frontage connecting said street with either the main building entrance or common pedestrian corridor.
C.   Access to Accessory Structures. Accessory structures and other on-site architectural features shall be properly located to ensure that they do not obstruct access to main structures or accessory living quarters. Also refer to § 17.400.100 (Residential Uses - Accessory Residential Structures).
(Ord. No. 2005-007 § 1 (part); Ord. No. 2022-008; Ord. No. 2024-006)