A. No person shall camp in a prohibited public place.
B. No person shall leave or store personal property or camp facilities in a prohibited public place.
C. For the purpose of this section:
CAMP. To erect, maintain or occupy a camp facility for the purpose of living accommodations.
CAMP FACILITY. The use of, settling, fixing in place, setting up, storing, locating, or leaving behind in a prohibited public place any or a combination of the following: tents, huts, other temporary physical shelters, cots, beds, or hammocks. CAMP FACILITY does not include sleeping bags, blankets, pillows and/or similar bedding used while sleeping.
PROHIBITED PUBLIC PLACE. Any of the following:
a. A public park as defined in § 9.10.005;
b. Public streets, public alleyways, public parking lots, public passageways, public rights-of-way, public sidewalks, publicly owned landscaped areas, parkways, medians, or greenbelts;
c. Public educational institutions, including properties owned by the Culver City Unified School District;
d. Properties owned, leased or operated by other governmental entities located within the City;
e. Other City-owned, leased or operated properties or facilities; and
f. Any privately owned space required to be maintained as public open space pursuant to a City-issued entitlement or permit.
STORE. To put aside or accumulate for use when needed, to put for safekeeping, or to place or leave in a location.
D. The City Council may, by resolution, establish one or more specified camping areas. Such camping areas, if any, may be located in prohibited public places, except that such camping areas shall not be located within public parks.
(Ord. No. 2023-001 § 1)