A.   Each permittee of a commercial cannabis business shall maintain accurate books and records in an electronic format, detailing all of the revenues and expenses of the business, and all of its assets and liabilities. On no less than an annual basis (at or before the time of the renewal of a Commercial Cannabis Business Permit issued pursuant to this Chapter), or at any time upon reasonable request of the City, each permittee shall file a sworn statement detailing the commercial cannabis business' revenue and number of sales during the previous twelve (12)-month period (or shorter period based upon the timing of the request), provided on a per-month basis. The statement shall also include gross revenues for each month, and all applicable taxes paid or due to be paid. On an annual basis, each permittee shall submit to the City a financial audit of the business' operations conducted by an independent certified public accountant. Each permittee shall be subject to a regulatory compliance review and financial audit as determined by the City Manager.
   B.   Each permittee of a commercial cannabis business shall maintain a current register of the names and the contact information (including the address, e-mail address and telephone number) of anyone owning or holding an interest in the commercial cannabis business, and separately of all the officers, managers, employees, responsible persons and volunteers currently employed or otherwise engaged by the commercial cannabis business. The register required by this paragraph shall be provided to the City Manager upon a reasonable request.
   C.   All records collected by a permittee pursuant to this Chapter shall be maintained for a minimum of seven years and shall be made available by the permittee to the agents or employees of the City upon request, except that private medical records shall be made available only pursuant to a properly executed search warrant, subpoena, or court order.
   D.   All permittees shall maintain an inventory control and reporting system that accurately documents the present location, amounts, and descriptions of all cannabis and cannabis products for all stages of the growing and production or manufacturing, laboratory testing and distribution processes until purchase as set forth MAUCRSA.
   E.   Subject to any restrictions under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations, each permittee shall allow City of Culver City officials to have access to the business's books, records, accounts, together with any other data or documents relevant to its permitted commercial cannabis activities, for the purpose of conducting an audit or examination. Books, records, accounts, and any and all relevant data or documents will be produced no later than 24 hours after receipt of the City's request, unless otherwise stipulated by the City. The City may require the materials to be submitted in an electronic format that is compatible with the City's software and hardware.
(Ord. No. 17-018 § 2 (part); Ord. No. 2017-020 § 2 (part); Ord. No. 2018-007 § 2 (part))