The following words and phrases whenever used in this Chapter shall be construed and defined by this Section. The definition of a word or phrase applies to any variants thereof.
CFO. The Chief Financial Officer of the City of Culver City, or his or her designee.
CITY. The City of Culver City.
CITY COUNCIL. The City Council of the City of Culver City.
DIRECTOR. The Public Works Director of the City of Culver City, or his or her designee.
IMPROVED PARCEL. A parcel improved with a structure (including a parking structure) and/or a parcel improved with man-made ground covering, such as pavement or other similar surfaces (including parking lots).
LOW-INCOME HOUSEHOLD. A household in the City that meets the low-income limit of 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI) or lower for Los Angeles County, as determined annually by the California Department of Housing and Community Development.
MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PARCEL. A parcel containing more than one residential dwelling unit, including condominiums, townhouses, mobile home parks, duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, apartments, and any other residential parcel containing more than one residential dwelling unit.
NON-RESIDENTIAL PARCEL. All improved parcels that do not meet the definition of a single-family residential parcel or multi-family residential parcel and are not otherwise exempted by this Chapter.
PARCEL. The smallest, separately segregated lot, unit or plot of land having an identified property owner, boundaries and surface area which is documented for property tax purposes and given an assessor's identification number by the County of Los Angeles Assessor.
PARCEL TAX. A special tax, entitled the City of Culver City Safe and Clean Water Protection Measure, approved by the voters of the City at the consolidated State general election held on November 8, 2016.
PARCEL TAX PROCEEDS. The proceeds of the parcel tax, including any interest and penalties thereon.
POSSESSORY INTEREST. Possession of, claim to, or right to the possession of, land or improvements, including any exclusive right to the use of such land or improvements.
PROPERTY OWNER. The legal owner of any parcel of real property, except when the legal owner of the real property is such due to the holding of a mortgage, note or other security, in which case the "owner" shall be deemed to be the beneficial owner of said parcel of real property.
SENIOR CITIZEN. A person 65 years of age or older, both owning and residing on a single-family residential parcel or multi-family residential parcel within the City.
SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PARCEL. A parcel of land improved with a single residential dwelling unit.
(Ord. 2016-013 § 1 (part))