The Civil Service Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
   A.   Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council on matters pertaining to the Civil Service System;
   B.   Hear appeals or grievances of any officer or employee under the Civil Service System who is suspended, demoted or removed and report in writing its findings and conclusions;
   C.   Examine witnesses under oath and compel their attendance or the production of evidence before it by subpoenas issued in the name of the City and attested by the City Clerk; and
   D.   Recommend new or amended Civil Service Rules consistent with the City Charter and Civil Service System, holding public hearings thereon before presentation to City Council for approval.
   E.   Periodically, at the discretion of the City Council, make a study of salaries being paid by other public and private agencies, in order to ascertain whether the salaries being paid City employees for similar work are comparable, fair and reasonable and make recommendations with respect thereto to the City Council;
   F.   Perform such other duties with respect to the Civil Service System, not inconsistent with the City Charter or this Code, as may be prescribed by ordinance, resolution, City Council policy or other City Council action.
(Ord. No. 2011-005 § 1 (part))