Following an administrative review or public hearing, the appropriate review authority shall record the decision in writing, with the findings on which the decision is based. The Site Plan Review may be approved, with or without conditions, only after first making all of the following findings, and any additional findings required for the approval of specific land uses in Article 4 (Standards for Specific Land Uses).
   A.   The general layout of the project, including orientation and location of buildings, open space, vehicular and pedestrian access and circulation, parking and loading facilities, building setbacks and heights, and other improvements on the site, is consistent with the purpose and intent of this Chapter, the requirements of the zoning district in which the site is located, and with all applicable development standards and design guidelines.
   B.   The architectural design of the structure(s), and their materials and colors, are compatible with the scale and character of surrounding development and other improvements on the site, and are consistent with the purpose and intent of this Chapter, the requirements of the zoning district in which the site is located, and with all applicable development standards and design guidelines.
   C.   The landscaping, including the location, type, size, color, texture, and coverage of plant materials, provisions for irrigation, and protection of landscape elements, has been designed to create visual relief, complement structures, and provide an attractive environment, and is consistent with the purpose and intent of this Chapter, the requirements of the zoning district in which the site is located, and with all applicable development standards and design guidelines.
   D.   The design and layout of the proposed project will not interfere with the use and enjoyment of neighboring existing or future development, will not result in vehicular or pedestrian hazards, and will be in the best interest of the public health, safety, and general welfare.
   E.   The existing or proposed public facilities necessary to accommodate the proposed project (e.g., fire protection devices, parkways, public utilities, sewers, sidewalks, storm drains, street lights, traffic control devices, and the width and pavement of adjoining streets and alleys) will be available to serve the subject site.
   F.   The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan.
(Ord. No. 2005-007 § 1 (part))