§ 17.540.010 APPLICABILITY.
   A.   Subject to Review. Site Plan Review shall be required for:
      1.   Residential. The construction of a new residential project of 3 or more units, or the addition to an existing residential project that would result in 3 or more units.
      2.   Non-residential. Construction of a new building of 5,000 gross square feet or more; or the addition of 5,000 square feet or more to an existing building within a 1-year period.
      3.   Change or intensification. An intensification of the use or a change to a use that is not similar to the previous use, as determined by the Director.
      4.   Move-on. Moving a building or structure onto a site.
   B.   Exempt from Review. The following projects are exempt from Site Plan Review.
      1.   Any construction, addition, or alteration to an individual single-family or two-family dwelling or appurtenant structure, or two single-family dwellings on a single parcel;
      2.   Those activities and structures identified in § 17.110.010 (Exemptions from Land Use Permit Requirements).
(Ord. No. 2005-007 § 1 (part))