This Section provides location, development, and operating standards for vehicle repair shops in compliance with Article 2 (Zoning Districts, Allowable Land Uses and Zone-Specific Development Standards).
   A.   Operational Standards. All vehicle repair shops shall comply with the following operational standards.
      1.   All work shall be performed within a fully enclosed structure.
      2.   All structures shall be sufficiently soundproofed to prevent a disturbance or a nuisance to the surrounding properties, in compliance with Chapter 9.07 (Noise Regulations) of the CCMC.
      3.   Dismantling of vehicles for purposes other than repair is prohibited.
      4.   Vehicle parking or loading and unloading shall only occur on site and not in adjoining public streets or alleys.
      5.   Vehicles shall not be stored at the site for purposes of sale (unless the use is also approved as a vehicle sales lot).
      6.   Damaged or wrecked vehicles shall not be stored for purposes other than repair.
      7.   Location and display of accessories, batteries, and tires for sale shall be on or within 3 feet of the main structure's exterior.
      8.   No vehicle rental activities shall be conducted on the vehicle repair shop (unless the use is also approved as a vehicle rental lot).
      9.   All outdoor/open storage of materials shall be limited to a maximum area of 150 square feet, and shall be enclosed by a 6-foot-high, solid decorative masonry wall, subject to the approval of the Director.
   B.   Development Standards. All vehicle repair shops shall comply with the following development standards.
      1.   All exterior light sources, including canopy, flood, and perimeter shall be energy efficient, stationary, and shielded or recessed, to ensure that all light, including glare or reflections, is directed away from adjoining properties and public rights-of-way, in compliance with § 17.300.040 (Outdoor Lighting).
      2.   All body-damaged or wrecked vehicles awaiting repair shall be effectively screened so as not to be visible from surrounding properties of the same elevation, as determined by the Director.
   C.   Site Maintenance. All vehicle fueling stations shall comply with the following maintenance standards.
      1.   Used or discarded automotive parts or equipment shall not be located outside of the main structure, unless located within an approved outdoor storage area.
      2.   A refuse storage area, completely enclosed with a masonry wall not less than 5 feet high, with a solid gated opening, and large enough to accommodate standard-sized commercial trash bins, shall be located to be accessible to refuse collection vehicles.
      3.   Driveways and service areas shall be maintained and kept free of oil, grease, and other petroleum products, in addition to litter. These areas shall be periodically cleaned with equipment that dissolves spilled oil, grease, and other petroleum products without washing them into the drainage, gutter, and sewer system.
   D.   Additional Conditions. Additional conditions (e.g., hours of operation, sign regulations, structure materials and design) may be imposed by the applicable review authority as deemed reasonable and necessary to protect the public health, safety, and general welfare of the community.