This Section provides location, development, and operating standards for various types and sizes of recycling facilities, in compliance with Article 2 (Zoning Districts, Allowable Land Uses and Zone-Specific Development Standards).
   A.   Permit Requirements. Recycling facilities are subject to permit review/approval, in compliance with Article 2 (Zoning Districts, Allowable Land Uses, and Zone-Specific Standards), provided that the development standards established in this Section are met.
   B.   Definitions. The following words and phrases as used in this Title are defined as follows.
      Recycling Facilities. Facilities open to the public for the collection or processing of recyclable material, subject to certification under the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act, which include the following types of facilities.
      1.   Incidental Small Collection Recycling Facility. A use incidental to a primary use of property, established for the acceptance of recyclable materials from the public, and occupying less than 500 square feet. Incidental small collection recycling facilities may include the following as defined in this Chapter:
         a.   One or more single reverse vending machines, in a grouping that includes separate containers adjacent to each machine.
         b.   Recyclable material containers that do not utilize power-driven processing equipment.
      2.   Small Collection Recycling Facility. A use subordinate to and different from the main use of property, established for the acceptance of recyclable materials from the public, occupying an area no larger than 1,200 square feet, and involving no permanent structures. A small collection facility may include the following:
         a.   One or more bulk reverse vending machines.
         b.   A mobile recycling unit.
         c.   Kiosk-type units.
      3.   Large Collection Recycling Facility. A collection facility larger than 1,200 square feet that is the main use of the property, and may include permanent structures. For the purposes of this definition, the area shall be composed of the cumulative total of all permitted recycling facilities on a site, lot or parcel. The use is established for the acceptance and storage of recyclable materials from the public.
      4.   Recyclable Material. Aluminum, glass, plastic, paper and other items intended for remanufacture or reconstitution, for the purpose of reuse in an altered or renewed form. Refuse or materials deemed hazardous by the Culver City Fire Chief are expressly excluded from this definition.
      5.   Reverse Vending Machine. An automated mechanical device that accepts one or more types of empty beverage containers, and issues a cash refund or a redeemable credit slip with a value not less than the container's redemption value, as determined by State law. These vending machines may accept aluminum cans, glass and plastic bottles, and other containers.
         A Bulk Reverse Vending Machine is a reverse vending machine that is larger than 50 square feet, is designed to accept more than one container at a time, and issues a cash refund based on total weight instead of by container.
      6.    Mobile Recycling Unit. An automobile, truck, trailer, or van used for the collection of recyclable materials, carrying bins, boxes, or other containers.
      7.    Recycling Facility, Processing. A building or enclosed space used for the collection and processing of recyclable materials for efficient shipment, or to an end user's specifications, through baling, briquetting, compacting, flattening, grinding, crushing, mechanical sorting, shredding, cleaning, remanufacturing and other methods.
   C.   Standards for Specific Types of Recycling Facilities.
      1.   Reverse vending machines. Reverse vending machines shall comply with the following standards.
         a.   Accessory use only. The machines shall be installed as an accessory use in compliance with the applicable provisions of this Title, and shall not require additional parking.
         b.   Location requirements. If located outside of a structure, the machines shall be located within 30 feet of a building entrance, and shall be constructed of durable waterproof and rustproof materials.
         c.   Maximum size. When located outdoors, the area occupied by the machines shall not exceed 50 square feet, including any protective enclosure, nor 8 feet in height.
         d.   Signs. Signs shall not exceed a maximum of 4 square feet on each machine, exclusive of operating instructions.
         e.   Hours of operation. The machines shall have the same operating hours as those of the primary use.
         f.   Lighting. The machines shall be illuminated when needed to ensure comfortable and safe operation, as determined by the Director.
      2.   Small collection facilities. Small collection facilities shall comply with the following standards.
         a.   Location requirements. Small collection facilities shall:
            i.   Not be located within 100 feet of any parcel zoned or occupied for residential use.
            ii.   Be set back at least 10 feet from any public right-of-way, and not obstruct vehicular or pedestrian circulation.
         b.   Maximum size. A small collection facility shall not occupy more than 1,200 square feet, not including space that would be periodically needed for the removal of materials or exchange of containers.
         c.   Appearance of facility. Collection containers and any site fencing shall be of a color and design that is compatible and harmonious with the surrounding uses and neighborhoods.
         d.   Operating standards. Small collection facilities shall:
            i.   Not use power-driven processing equipment, except for reverse vending machines.
            ii.   Accept only glass, metal or plastic containers, paper, clothing, and reusable items.
            iii.   Use containers constructed with durable waterproof and rustproof materials, secured from unauthorized removal of material, and shall be of a capacity sufficient to accommodate materials collected and the collection schedule.
            iv.   Not exceed noise levels of 50 dBA, as measured at the property line of the nearest residentially zoned or occupied property, and in no event more than 60 dBA.
            v.   Collection of recyclable materials and normal maintenance of the facility shall only be performed during the following hours.
               (a)   Mondays through Fridays, from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
               (b)   Saturdays, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
               (c)   Sundays, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
               (d)   If emergency maintenance or repairs must be performed during other hours, the Culver City Police Department shall be notified prior to performing the maintenance or repairs.
            vi.   Containers for the 24-hour donation of materials shall be at least 100 feet from any residentially zoned property, unless there is a recognized service corridor and acoustical shielding between the containers and the residential use.
            vii.   Shall be free of litter and any other undesirable materials, and mobile facilities, at which truck or containers are removed at the end of each collection day, shall be swept at the end of each collection day.
         e.   Signs. Notwithstanding any other CCMC provision, the following information shall be displayed for each facility, on one or more signs that collectively do not exceed 16 square feet.
            i.   Identification of the types of material to be deposited.
            ii.    Operating instructions.
            iii.    Hours of operation.
            iv.    Telephone number of the operator, responsible person or company.
         f.   Lighting. The collection facilities shall be illuminated when needed to ensure comfortable and safe operation, as determined by the Director.
         g.   Planters. The facility should, wherever feasible, be located adjacent to an existing planter area, if pedestrian or vehicular circulation will not be obstructed or screened with additional landscaping, as determined by the Director.
         h.   Storage of materials. All recyclable materials shall be stored in containers. Outdoor storage of materials is prohibited.
         i.   Parking requirements. No additional parking space shall be required for customers of a small collection facility located in the established parking lot of the main use. One space shall be provided for the attendant, if needed.
      3.   Large collection facilities. Large collection facilities shall comply with the following standards.
         a.   Location requirements. The facility shall not abut a parcel zoned or used for residential use.
         b.   Container location. Containers shall be constructed of sturdy, rustproof materials, have sufficient capacity to accommodate materials collected, and be secured from unauthorized entry or removal of materials.
         c.   Screening. The facility shall be screened from public rights-of-way by landscaping and solid masonry walls at least 6 feet in height, or shall be located within an enclosed structure. Walls abutting a right-of-way shall comply with § 17.300.030 (Fences, Hedges, and Walls).
         d.   Setbacks, landscaping. Structure setbacks and landscaping shall be provided as required for the applicable zoning district.
         e.   Outdoor storage. Exterior storage of material shall be in sturdy containers that are secured and maintained in good condition. Storage, excluding truck trailers, shall not be visible above the height of the required solid masonry walls.
         f.   Operating standards.
            i.   The site shall be maintained to be clean, sanitary, and free of litter and any other undesirable materials, and shall be cleaned of loose debris on a daily basis.
            ii.   Dust, fumes, odor, smoke, or vibration, above ambient levels, shall not be detectable on adjoining parcels.
            iii.   Noise levels shall not exceed 50 dBA, as measured at the property line of residentially zoned or occupied property, and in no event more than 60 dBA.
      4.   Processing facilities. Processing facilities shall comply with the following standards.
         a.   Location requirements. The facility shall not abut a parcel zoned or occupied for residential use, or noise-sensitive receptors (such as hospitals and schools) and shall be located within an enclosed building except for incidental storage. Facilities must be at least 500 feet from residential property or noise-sensitive receptors.
         b.   Limitation on use. Processing facilities are limited to baling, briquetting, compacting, crushing, grinding, shredding, and sorting of source-separated recyclable materials, and repairing of reusable materials.
         c.   Container location. Containers provided for 24-hour donation of recyclable materials shall be permanently located at least 100 feet from any residential zoning district, constructed of sturdy, rustproof materials, have sufficient capacity to accommodate materials collected, and be secured from unauthorized entry or removal of the materials.
         d.   Screening. A processing facility shall be located within an area enclosed on all sides by a solid masonry wall, not less than 8 feet in height, and landscaped on all street frontages.
         e.   Outdoor storage. Exterior storage of material shall be in sturdy containers or enclosures that are secured and maintained in good condition. Stored material, excluding truck trailers, shall not be visible above the height of the required solid masonry walls.
         f.   Operating standards. Dust, fumes, odor, smoke, or vibration, above ambient levels, and free of litter and debris, shall not be detectable on adjoining parcels.
(Ord. No. 2005-007 § 1 (part); Ord. No. 2022-008)