The purpose of the individual commercial zoning districts, and the manner in which they are applied, are as follows.
   A.   CN (Commercial Neighborhood) District. The CN Zoning District identifies areas appropriate for retail sales, offices, and services that will primarily serve the daily needs of nearby residents. This district may also accommodate mixed use and live/work developments. The development standards and permit requirements of the CN District are intended to create a pedestrian-oriented environment. The CN Zoning District is consistent with the Neighborhood Serving Corridor land use designation of the General Plan.
   B.   CG (Commercial General) District. The CG Zoning District identifies areas along major corridors appropriate for small- to medium-scale commercial uses, emphasizing community-serving retail, office and service uses. This district may also accommodate mixed use and live/work developments. The CG Zoning District is consistent with the General Corridor land use designation of the General Plan.
   C.   CC (Commercial Community) District. The CC Zoning District identifies areas appropriate for a wide range of medium-scale commercial uses, with an emphasis on community-serving retail restaurant and service uses that may share parking, and serve a citywide or community market area. The CC Zoning District is consistent with the Community Serving Center land use designation of the General Plan.
   D.   CD (Commercial Downtown) District. The CD Zoning District is applied to the area identified by the General Plan as the Downtown area. The standards of this district are intended to encourage medium- and large-scale commercial uses, with an emphasis on retail, entertainment, restaurant and cultural uses. This district may also accommodate mixed use and live/work uses. The development standards of the CD District are intended to provide a pedestrian-friendly environment with high visual quality. The CD Zoning District is consistent with the Downtown land use designation of the General Plan.
   E.   CRR (Commercial Regional Retail) District. The CRR Zoning District identifies areas appropriate for large-scale commercial uses emphasizing a variety of retail uses, including anchor tenants, entertainment and restaurant uses that may share parking, and serve a regional market area. The CRR Zoning District is consistent with the Regional Center land use designation of the General Plan.
   F.   CRB (Commercial Regional Business Park) District. The CRB Zoning District identifies areas appropriate for large-scale office and business park developments with shared parking, including specific light industrial uses. The CRB Zoning District is consistent with the Regional Center and Industrial Park land use designations of the General Plan.
(Ord. No. 2005-007 § 1 (part))