The following criteria are to be considered (but are not exclusive) in determining whether unreasonable obstruction has occurred:
A. The extent of obstruction of a preexisting view from the primary living area of the complainant, both currently and at tree maturity.
B. The quality of the preexisting views being obstructed, including obstruction of landmarks, vistas, or other unique view features.
C. The extent to which the trees have grown to obscure the enjoyment of the view from the complainant's property, compared with the view that was available at the time the complainant acquired or occupied his or her home.
D. The extent to which the complainant's preexisting view has been diminished over time by factors other than tree growth.
E. The deleterious effect of the trees upon the complainant's vegetation through loss of heat and light, except that the dropping of leaves or maintenance factors shall not be considered a criterion under this Chapter.
(Ord. No. 2006-002 § 1 (part))