§ 15.10.925 DEDICATION.
   Every street, alley, right-of-way, and easement, or other public place, shown on any subdivision or parcel map of land within the City of Culver City shall be dedicated to the City when such dedication is deemed necessary by the Council for public use, but this shall not be construed as acceptance of such dedication until such dedication is formally accepted by resolution of the Council. The following specific regulations shall apply:
   A.   Streets. Streets, alleys, and other rights-of-way in any subdivision or minor division of land shall be offered for dedication. Part-width streets shall be accepted for dedication only where, in the judgment of the Standards Committee, extraordinary conditions warrant such dedication. In any case, no less than one-half (½) of the full width required for the ultimate street shall be dedicated in addition to the reserve below.
   B.   Reserve strips.
      1.   Reserve strips or outlots where required to control access over certain lot lines or over the end of street stubs shall be dedicated to the City. When adjacent to the boundary of a tract or subdivision, a one (1) foot reserve strip or outlot in addition to the street right-of-way shall be dedicated along the boundary of the subdivision.
      2.   A reserve strip, in addition to other easements, shall be dedicated to the City for the installation of a permanent wall or fence when required by the Commission.
   C.   Park and recreation areas. The subdivider shall be required to dedicate a park or recreational site sufficient in size and topography to serve the immediate and future needs of the residents of such subdivided territory, subject to the specific standards and conditions of §§ 15.10.750 et seq. of this Chapter, or obtain the approval of the City Council in following the alternative procedure provided in § 15.10.790.
('65 Code, § 31-126) (Ord. No. CS-622 § 1 (part))