All improvements shall conform to the City of Culver City's “Standard Details and Specifications” as adopted by the Council, and shall be installed at the subdivider's expense. Any deviation shall be only with the written approval of the Standards Committee. Permits shall be obtained from the City Engineer, where required, before any construction is started. The following general standards shall apply:
   A.   Utilities. All utilities shall be located underground except when otherwise approved by the Commission. It shall be the responsibility of the subdivider to meet this requirement.
   B.   Water courses. Water courses shall be shown as easements, and storm drains shall be placed in easements when public right-of-way is not available or adequate. The Commission, when so advised by the City Engineer or Flood Control District, may require water courses to be placed entirely in underground conduits or adequately fenced or otherwise improved.
   C.   Monuments.
      1.   Durable, metal monuments consisting of galvanized iron pipes twenty-four (24) inches in length, or as approved by the City Engineer, shall be installed or referenced to the following locations:
         a.   Boundary corners.
         b.   At intervals of not more than five hundred (500) feet along boundary lines, at such lesser intervals as required by the City Engineer to assure accuracy and ability to re-establish such monuments.
         c.   At the beginning and ending of property lines, curves, or P.I. at the discretion of the City Engineer.
         d.   Lot corners, and, in addition, set a lead and tack in the sidewalk or curb on the prolongation of side lot lines.
      2.   Standard monuments shall be placed along the center lines of public streets and alleys as follows: All intersections, all P.I.'s, or beginning and ending of curves.
   D.   Street design. Street design shall conform to the City of Culver City “Standard Details and Specifications,” but in no event shall streets be paved with less than four (4) inches of asphaltic concrete paving and such sub-base preparation as required for the design wheel loads and traffic volume. Where the side slope of street embankments extend onto private property, slope easements shall be required. Said slope shall not exceed the angle of repose for the soil as determined by a soils engineer.
   E.   Commencement of work. Improvement work, including grading shall not be commenced until the improvement plans for such work have been submitted to and approved by the City Engineer, except grubbing and clearing. At the option of the City Engineer, soil tests may be made in areas of substantial cut after the over-burden has been removed.
   F.   Inspection. All improvements shall be constructed under the inspection of and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
   G.   Commercial and industrial subdivision improvements. Improvements for industrial and commercial subdivisions shall be as set out herein, except that suitable planting areas may be substituted for street trees, at the discretion of the Commission.
('65 Code, § 31-123) (Ord. No. CS-622 § 1 (part))