A.   Every subdivider who subdivides land for residential development, or creates a condominium project as defined in Cal. Civil Code § 783, or planned developments, real estate developments, stock cooperatives, and community apartments, as defined in Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code §§ 11003, 11003.1, 11003.2, 11003.4 and 11004, respectively, shall, as a condition precedent to filing for a Final Map, dedicate parkland, pay a fee in lieu thereof, or both, for neighborhood and community park or recreation purposes in conformity with §§ 15.10.750 et seq.
   B.   Only the payment of fees may be required in subdivisions containing fifty (50) parcels or less, except that when a condominium project, stock cooperative, or community apartment project exceeds fifty (50) dwelling units, dedication of land may be required notwithstanding that the number of parcels may be less than fifty (50).
   C.   Nothing in this Section restricts the authority of the City to require dedication of land, payment of fees or construction of improvements for needs other than or in addition to neighborhood and community parks, or to require a subdivider to mitigate, through dedication of land, construction of recreational facilities, or payment of fees, any adverse impacts created by the proposed development.
('65 Code, § 31-113) (Ord. No. CS-622 § 1 (part); Ord No. 90-002 § 2; Ord. No. 90-026 § 1)