A Final Parcel Map shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor and shall show:
   A.   A title consisting of the words “Final Parcel Map” and the words “in the City of Culver City” and a subtitle consisting of a description of all property being divided.
   B.   If the Final Parcel Map is based on a field survey, all monuments found, set, reset, replaced, or removed, describing their size, kind, and location, and giving other data relating thereto. Monuments shall be set at all boundary corners or angle points not previously shown on a record map or on any street, dedicated as a condition of the tentative approval at centerline intersections, beginning of a curve (BC), at the end of a curve (EC), or points of intersection (PI), and angle points.
   C.   Bearing or witness monuments, basis of bearings, electric lines, and scale of map.
   D.   Signature and license or registration number of the licensed survey or registered civil engineer who prepared the map.
   E.   Date of survey.
   F.   Statement of the City Engineer or City Surveyor as required by Cal. Gov't Code § 66450.
   G.   On each lot containing an area of twenty thousand (20,000) square feet or more, shall show the size the to nearest square foot.
   H.   The lots shall be numbered beginning with numeral “1” and continuing consecutively without omission or duplication throughout the Final Parcel Map.
   I.   All drainage channels shall be shown.
   J.   Name of person for whom survey was made.
   K.   Any other data necessary for an intelligent interpretation of the various items and locations of points, lines, and areas shown as may be required by the City Engineer.
   L.   If the Parcel Map creating four (4) or less lots does not, in the opinion of the City Engineer, satisfy the requirements of Cal. Gov't Code § 66445, a field survey shall be performed at the expense of the applicant to establish the boundaries of the Parcel Map. The survey shall be checked for conformance to the standards and details set forth in Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code Div. 3, Ch. 15 (commencing with § 8700), the Land Surveyor's Act, Section 95 of Parcel Map Form. The Parcel Map shall conform to all requirements of Section 66445 of the Subdivision Map Act.
('65 Code, § 31-100) (Ord. No. CS-622 § 1 (part))