§ 15.10.090 FEES.
   A.   Tentative map fees. The filing fee for a Tentative Subdivision Map and a Tentative Parcel Map shall be as set forth by Resolution of the City Council. Said fee shall be paid to the City of Culver City through its Division of Planning upon initiation of Tentative Map review.
('65 Code, § 31-129)
   B.   Final map filing fees. At the time of filing the Final Map, the fees established by Resolution of the City Council for the following functions shall be paid to the City of Culver City through the City Engineer; or as to engineering and plan checking fees, to the Engineer's Office of the County of Los Angeles, if the City has in effect an Agreement whereby the County performs such functions:
      1.   Engineering and Planning Checking Fees.
      2.   Recording Fee.
      3.   Inspection Fees.
('65 Code, § 31-130)
   C.   Final parcel map fees. Upon filing a Final Parcel Map, a checking fee in an amount established by Resolution of the City Council shall be paid to the City of Culver City through the City Engineer, or to the County Engineer, if such checking is to be done by that office.
('65 Code, § 31-131)
   D.   Agreement with county. Provided, nevertheless, that if the City has, in effect an Agreement whereby the County of Los Angeles performs any of the functions set forth in Subsections A., B. or C. of this Section, the fees to be charged shall be equal to the fees currently charged by the County of Los Angeles. This Subsection D. shall prevail over any contradictory provisions contained in any of the three previous Subsections or the Resolution of the City Council setting forth the fees therefor.
('65 Code, § 31-131.1)
(Ord. No. CS-831 §§ 2 - 5)