The following regulations shall apply to entertainment conducted for the benefit of persons under the age of 18 years:
   A.   Lighting. Places where dances are held shall be adequately lighted at all times when open for dancing, to a degree not less than one foot-candle in all parts of the building and premises accessible to minor participants.
   B.   Alcoholic beverages prohibited at teen-age dances. It shall be unlawful to sell or make available or consume alcoholic beverages at any place where a dance for participants below the age of 18 years is conducted.
   C.   Time limit. No dancing involving participants below the age of 18 shall be permitted after the hour of 12:00 midnight, unless the permit obtained from the City Manager specifically authorizes a later hour.
   D.   Participation of adults at teen-age dances prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person 20 years of age or older to attend any teen-age dance as a participant, unless such person is an authorized chaperon or sponsor.
   E.   Loitering at teen-age dances prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to loiter around the premises at which a teen-age dance is being conducted.
('65 Code, § 20-10) (Ord. No. 2006-009 §22 (part)