§ 13.01.010 PETITIONS.
   A.   Regulating circulation of. It shall be unlawful for any person who circulates, as principal or agent, or who has in charge and/or control of the circulation of any petition provided for by law, to misrepresent or make any false statement of a material fact or matter relating to or concerning the contents, purposes, purport or effect of any such petition or of and concerning any person or persons, directly or indirectly connected with the subject matter of said petition, to any person for the purpose of securing signatures, whether the signature of such solicited person be thereby secured or not. Petitions intended or required to be presented to the City Council shall be subject to the regulations of this Subsection.
('65 Code, § 23-31)
   B.   Misrepresentation prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person, as principal or agent, to wilfully and/or knowingly circulate, publish, or exhibit any false statement or misrepresentation of a material fact or matter relating to or concerning the contents, purport, purposes or effect of any petition, or of and concerning any person directly or indirectly connected with the subject matter of said petition, for the purpose of thereby obtaining signatures or for the purpose of thereby attempting to persuade any person to sign, or not to sign, any such petition.
('65 Code, § 23-32) (Ord. No. 379)