There shall be filed with the Committee with such Notice of Intention to Solicit, a statement of any agreement made with any agent, solicitor, promoter, manager or conductor of such solicitation, together with a copy of each agreement which may be in writing. Within twenty-four (24) hours after any change in any such agreement or the making of any new or further agreement, a true copy of such change or agreement, if in writing, or if not, written details thereof shall be filed with the Committee. Whenever, in the opinion of the Committee, the Notice of Intention to Solicit filed with the Committee does not disclose sufficient information for the public concerning the facts hereinabove required to be stated in such Notice of Intention to Solicit or concerning the person or association making such solicitation or on whose behalf such solicitation is made, then, upon the request of said Committee, there shall be filed, in writing, within forty-eight (48) hours after such request, such additional information as may be required by said Committee upon the foregoing subjects. Provided, however, that the Committee, for good cause, may extend the time for filing such additional information. The Notice of Intention to Solicit and such additional information, if requested, shall be signed by such person intending to make such solicitation, or if by or on behalf of any association, by at least two officers of such association and shall be open to the inspection of the public.
('65 Code, § 11-4) (Ord. No. 84-018 § 11)