Unless the context otherwise clearly indicates, the words and phrases used in this Chapter are defined in this Section. All terminology used in this Chapter not defined below shall be in conformance with applicable publications of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or its successor body. The following words, phrases, and terms as used in this Section shall have the meanings as follows:
AMBIENT NOISE. The composite of all noise from sources near and far, none of which are particularly dominant. The AMBIENT NOISE constitutes the normal or existing level of environmental noise at a given location.
AMPLIFIED SOUND. Sound enhanced by use of electronic equipment.
A-WEIGHTED NOISE LEVEL. The sound level in decibels as measured on a sound level meter using the A-Weighted scale. The level so read is designated in dBA.
COMMERCIAL PROPERTY. A parcel of real property zoned and used entirely, or partially, for commercial purposes.
CONSTRUCTION. Any site preparation, demolition, assembly, erection, substantial repair, alteration, or similar action, or related services or activities, for or of private property, structures, utilities, or public rights-of-way.
CUMULATIVE. An additive period of time composed of individual time segments which may be continuous or interrupted.
DECIBEL. A unit for measuring the amplitude of sound, equal to ten (10) times the logarithm (to the base of ten (10)) of the ratio of the two (2) mean square values of sound pressure, voltage, or current.
DOMINANT NOISE SOURCE. The most significant source of noise at a given location which is identifiable by the Officer.
EQUIVALENT SOUND LEVEL (LEQ). Constant noise level that, in a given situation and time period, contains the same acoustic energy as the actual time-varying A-weighted sound level.
EMERGENCY. Any occurrence or set of circumstances involving actual or imminent physical trauma or property damage which demands immediate action.
EMERGENCY WORK. Any work performed for the purpose of preventing or alleviating the physical trauma or property damage threatened or caused by an emergency.
FIXED NOISE SOURCE. A stationary device which creates noise while in a fixed or stationary position including, but not limited to, industrial and commercial machinery and equipment, pumps, fan compressors, generators, air conditioners, and refrigeration equipment.
IMPULSIVE NOISE. A noise of short duration usually of high intensity with an abrupt onset and rapid decay. Impulsive noise sources include but are not limited to impact wrenches, pneumatic hammers, hammering devices, explosions, fire arms and other similar noise sources.
INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. A parcel of real property which is zoned and used entirely or partially for industrial purposes.
INTRUSIVE NOISE. That alleged offensive noise which exceeds the existing ambient noise at a given location.
MOBILE NOISE SOURCE. Any noise source other than a fixed noise source.
NOISE. An unwanted sound which is generally random in nature.
NOISE DISTURBANCE. Any noise which, as judged by a City employee or City-employed agent that annoys or disturbs a reasonable person or exceeds the standard set forth in this Chapter. Compliance with the quantitative standards as listed herein shall constitute elimination of a noise disturbance.
NOISE LEVEL (LN). The sound pressure level as measured with a sound level meter.
PERCENT NOISE LEVEL (%). That noise level expressed in decibels which exceeds the specified (LN) value as a percentage of total time measured. For instance, an L25 noise level means that noise level which is exceeded twenty-five percent (25%) of the time measured.
PERSON. An individual, firm, association, partnership, joint venture or corporation including any officer, employee, department, agency, or instrumentality of a State or political subdivision of a State.
PITCH. The frequency of a noise.
PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. Any street, parkway, trail, public way, sidewalk, bike path, alley or similar place which is owned or controlled by a governmental entity.
PURE TONE. Any noise which is judged as audible as a single frequency or a set of single frequencies. Pure tones include but are not limited to noise from whistles, bells, fans or other mechanical devices that emit audible tones.
REAL PROPERTY BOUNDARY. An imaginary line along the ground surface, and its vertical extension, which separates the real property owned by one person from that owned by another person or a public right-of-way.
RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. A parcel of real property which is zoned and used either in part or in whole for residential purposes.
SOUND. A pressure oscillation in air which is capable of evoking the sensation of hearing.
SOUND AMPLIFYING EQUIPMENT. Any device for the amplification of the human voice, music, or any other sound, excluding automobile radios when used and heard only by the occupants of the vehicle in which the radio is installed, and, as used in the Chapter, warning devices on authorized emergency vehicles or horns or other warning devices on any vehicle used only for traffic safety purposes.
SOUND LEVEL METER. An instrument, including a microphone, amplifier, output meter, and frequency weighing networks for the measurement of noise and sound levels, which satisfies the requirements pertinent for Type A meters in American National Standards Institute specifications for Sound Level Meters, S1.4-1983, or the most recent revision thereof.
SOUND TRUCK. Any motor vehicle, or any other vehicle, except public health and safety vehicles, regardless of motive power, whether in motion or stationary, having mounted thereon or attached thereto any sound amplifying equipment.
VIBRATION. The minimum ground or structure-borne shaking motion necessary to cause a normal person to be aware of the shaking by such direct means as, but not limited to, sensation by touch or visual observations of moving objects.
WEEKDAY. Any day, Monday through Friday, which is not a City specified holiday.
('65 Code, § 23-44.2) (Ord. No. 95-004 § 2 (part))