A.   The person or persons responsible for a party, gathering or other assemblage of persons described in § 9.06.010, or on whose property the gathering is held, or if such person is a minor, then the parents or legal guardians of the minor shall be jointly and severally liable for the following costs attributable to the event, or, if lower, the amount established by resolution of the City Council:
      1.   The actual cost to the City of law enforcement services beyond the initial response by a police officer necessary to abate the violations or conditions described in § 9.06.010.
      2.   Damage to public property resulting from such law enforcement response; and
      3.   Injuries to law enforcement personnel incurred in such law enforcement response.
      4.   Any legal costs associated with the collection of Subsections 1., 2., or 3. above.
   B.   The Police Department shall compute the cost of providing such services in accordance with the schedule of rates and charges for personnel and equipment contained in the law enforcement service agreement with the City and advise the City Manager of such costs, as well as any other costs of damage to public property or injuries to personnel resulting from the law enforcement response. The person responsible for the party, gathering or other assemblage or on whose property the party, gathering or other assemblage takes place shall be billed for these costs by the City Manager upon notice of the charges from the Culver City Police Department and payment shall be due and payable within fifteen (15) days of the billing date. Should the amount due not be paid, the City may collect the debt, as well as any costs incurred in collecting the debt due to nonpayment, pursuant to any available provision of law.
('65 Code, § 22-74) (Ord. No. 94-026 § 1 (part); Ord. No. 2006-009 § 22 (part))