All conditions or uses that constitute a public nuisance as defined in this Chapter, or that are contrary to, or in violation of, any other provision or requirement of the Culver City Municipal Code, or of any applicable County or State law, or regulation thereof, which shall also constitute a public nuisance, shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition, removal or termination. The procedures for abatement in this part shall not be exclusive and shall not, in any manner, limit or restrict the City from pursuing any other remedies available at law, including the use of administrative citations under Chapter 1.02 of this Code, civil actions for penalties and/or equitable relief, or criminal prosecutions, or from enforcing City codes and adopted ordinances, or from abating or causing abatement of public nuisances, in any other manner provided by law.
(Ord. No. 2013-009, § 4 (part))