Pursuant to state requirements, the City has determined it shall provide a plan for the management of hazardous waste, including the siting of hazardous waste storage, transfer and/or disposal facilities, which is consistent with the provisions of the Los Angeles County Hazardous Waste Management Plan (“LA CoHWMP”). Pursuant to Cal. Health & Safety Code § 25135.7(c)(1), the City, in its efforts to assist in the proper management of hazardous waste and to provide adequate protections for its citizens, adopts that certain document titled the Culver City Hazardous Waste Management Plan (“CCHWMP”), a copy of which shall be kept on file with the City Clerk and the City's Planning Division. The CCHWMP includes the following elements, as described in Cal. Health & Safety Code § 25135.1(d):
   A.   An analysis of the hazardous waste stream generated in Los Angeles County, including an accounting of the volumes of hazardous waste produced in the County by type of waste, and estimates of the expected rates of hazardous waste production until 1994, by type of waste.
   B.   A description of the existing hazardous waste facilities which treat, handle, recycle, and dispose of the hazardous waste produced in the County, including a determination of the existing capacity of each facility.
   C.   An analysis of the potential in the County for recycling hazardous waste and for reducing the volume and hazard of hazardous waste at the source of generation.
   D.   A consideration of the need to manage the small volumes of hazardous waste produced by businesses and households.
   E.   A determination of the need for additional hazardous waste facilities to properly manage the volumes of hazardous waste currently produced or that are expected to be produced during the planning period.
   F.   Siting criteria to be utilized in selecting sites for new hazardous waste facilities.
   G.   A statement of goals, objectives and policies for the siting of hazardous waste facilities and the general management of hazardous wastes through the year 2000, as well as a statement of the goals of the City.
   H.   A schedule which describes County and City actions necessary to implement the LA CoHWMP and CCHWMP through the year 2000, including the assigning of dates for carrying out the actions.
('65 Code, § 16-24) (Ord. No. 91-013 § 1 (part))