A.   Violation. It shall be a violation of this Section to release hazardous materials in an unauthorized manner. At no time shall a hazardous material be released into a street or surface where the drainage is to the storm drain system.
   B.   Responsibility for cleanup. The person, firm or corporation responsible for an unauthorized discharge, shall institute and complete all actions necessary to remedy the effects of such unauthorized discharge, whether sudden or gradual, at no cost to the jurisdiction. When deemed necessary by the Fire Code Official or his designee, cleanup may be initiated by the Fire Department or by an authorized individual or firm. Costs associated with such a cleanup shall be borne by the owner, operator or other operator or other person responsible for the unauthorized discharge.
   C.   Assessment of administrative charges. Costs are determined based on actual personnel costs plus benefits, and estimated costs of equipment per unit response, plus any other applicable expenditure.
(Ord. No. 2014-004 § 2 (part))