§ 9.02.300 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this Subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CULVER CITY MUNICIPAL CODE. The ordinances embraced in the Chapters and Sections found in "The Code of the City of Culver City, California," hereinafter referred to as "CCMC."
      1.   Pre-Test Notification Failure - failure to notify the Fire Department before proceeding with any testing of a fire alarm or fire suppression system which results in an unnecessary response.
      2.   Post-Test Notification Failure - failure to notify the Fire Department after completion of testing and/or maintenance of a fire alarm or fire suppression system, which results in an unnecessary response.
   FALSE ALARM. The deliberate reporting of an alarm for which no fire or emergency actually exists or an alarm that is set off "needlessly" includes, but is not limited to, the triggering of an alarm by conditions that are not typical of a current or impending fire emergency.
   FIRE CODE. The "Fire Code of the City of Culver City" as defined in § 9.02.005 of the CCMC.
   FIRE CODE STANDARDS. Volume 2 of the "International Fire Code" published by the International Code Council.
   HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. Any material that, because of its quantity, concentration, or physical or chemical characteristics, poses a significant or potential hazard to human health and safety, to the environment, or to property if released. For the purposes of this chapter HAZARDOUS MATERIALS include, but are not limited to, hazardous materials as defined in § 9.03.105 N., O., or P. of the CCMC, and other substances known to cause harm to the environment if released such as used oil, paint, paint residues, and solvents.
   HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE. Hazardous waste generated from a Culver City household in conducting non-commercial activities.
   MUNICIPAL CODE APPEALS COMMITTEE. The committee is authorized to hear appeals of alleged violations of the CCMC. [CCMC § 1.01.065].
   RE-INSPECTION. A repeat inspection for compliance after the issuance of an "Order to Comply" served by a member of the Culver City Fire Department to any person, firm or corporation to correct a Fire Code violation.
   SEWER SYSTEM. All pipes, drains, channels, and other means used to transport sewage to the Hyperion Water Treatment Plant, or other City-authorized treatment facility for treatment (e.g. household or commercial drains, and the like).
   STORM DRAIN SYSTEM. All pipes, drains, channels, and other means used to transport surface waters to the ocean without treatment (e.g., curbside drains, La Ballona Creek, and the like).
   UNAUTHORIZED DISCHARGE. A release or emission of materials in a manner which does not conform to the provisions of this code [CCMC § 9.02.005] or applicable public health and safety regulations.
(Ord. No. 2014-004 § 2 (part))