Section 104.1.1 Fire Prevention Standard Operating Policy Manual. A Fire Code Departmental Policy Manual, known as the Culver City Fire Prevention Standard Operating Guidelines has been created and adopted to serve as instructions and interpretations of the adopted Fire Code. The Policy Manual shall be a published document, maintained in the Fire Prevention office, and amended from time to time to provide current instruction and interpretation.
   Section Permit Fees. Permit Fees shall be adopted by resolution of the City Council.
   Section Aviation. An operational permit is required for all types of aircraft that are flying, hovering, landing, lifting, filming, parking, or conducting similar activities.
   Section Permits to Conduct Displays of Fireworks Granted by City Council. The City Council, by resolution, upon written application as provided in this Subchapter and subject to the provisions of this Subchapter, may grant two (2) permits to conduct a public display of fireworks in a
calendar year, each display to occur on a separate date. The City Council may by resolution, grant an additional special permit for a public fireworks display sponsored by the City.
   Section Application for Permit; Conditions for Filing. An application for a permit to conduct a public display of fireworks shall be filed in compliance with all of the following:
   A.   Application for a permit to conduct a public display of fireworks shall be filed in the Office of the City Manager, on forms provided by the City, at least 180 days prior to the date requested for conducting the public display of fireworks.
   B.   The following information shall be included on the application:
      1.   The location of the public display of fireworks as approved by the Culver City Fire Department;
      2.   The location for storage of the fireworks to be displayed as approved by the Culver City Fire Department, if within the City;
      3.   Who, if anyone, will provide management services to the applicant for the public display of fireworks and evidence that such manager has complied with all business tax certificate requirements; and
      4.   Transportation routes and any other information deemed necessary by the City Council for the consideration of the application.
   C.   Evidence of the following types of insurance in a form with endorsements as approved by the City Attorney and in an amount as established by the City Attorney and the Fire Chief, but not less than Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00) shall be filed with the application:
      1.   Commercial general liability insurance; combined single limit, bodily injury and property damage, each occurrence;
      2.   Premises/operation liability;
      3.   Contractual liability, specifically referencing indemnification agreements with the City; and
      4.   Products liability, including completed operations liability.
   D.   All fees required pursuant to this Code and City Council resolution shall be paid at the time of filing the application; and
   E.   Evidence of compliance with any special conditions required by the Culver City Fire Department because of the location of the public display of fireworks.
   Section Conditions Governing Permit. Any permit granted to conduct a public display of fireworks shall be governed by all of the following:
   A.   The public display of fireworks shall be conducted by a duly licensed pyrotechnician who shall have obtained Culver City Fire Department approval no later than the last day of June of the year in which the permit is granted;
   B.   One public display of fireworks may be conducted on July 4th, and one may be conducted on another day. Any fireworks display shall be conducted strictly in accordance with all regulations and conditions specified in this Subchapter and in the City Council resolution granting the permit;
   C.   Any attempt to transfer a permit to any person shall void the permit;
   D.   The permittee shall agree, in writing, to indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, representatives, and employees from any loss or liability or damages, including expenses and costs, for bodily injury or property damage sustained by any person as a result of any operation related to the permit; and
   E.   Failure to comply with any of the provisions of this Subchapter shall preclude consideration of any application filed if permits have not been granted thereunder; and shall be sufficient cause of the revocation of any permit previously issued.
   Section Time Limits. The City Council, by resolution, may extend or shorten the time requirements established by this Subchapter.
   Section Rescission of Prohibition. The prohibition set forth in Chapter 56 of the California Fire Code shall not be rescinded by the City Council without the approval of a majority of the voters voting at a regular or special election.
   Section Special Events and Assemblage. A permit is required for special events and assemblages.
   Section Non-Defined Operations. An operational permit may be required after a Fire Department Review for hazards to people or property from the proposed operation, system or event.
   Section Permits. A permit shall be required as set forth in the Culver City, City Council approved fee schedule for all special event and assemblages.
   Section Special Event Application and Submittals. All special events and assemblages shall be submitted to the Fire Department for review. All applications shall have a contact name, phone number, business name, address, a plot plan, floor plan and sufficient detail and information to allow for a comprehensive evaluation. Permits, Fire Safety Officers, security, and other issues determined by the review shall be provided by the event organizer prior to allowing the event or assemblage to operate. Tents in excess of 400 square feet needed for a special event or assemblage shall meet the requirements of Chapter 31 and require a separate fire permit.
   Section 109.4 Appeals. Protests and appeals from the enforcement of this Code shall be made to the Municipal Code Appeals Committee in accordance with Section 1.01.065 of the Culver City Municipal Code.
(Ord. No. 2017-001 § 2 (part); Ord. No. 2019-014 § 2 (part); Ord. No. 2022-009 § 2 (part))