There is hereby established a special fund in the City Treasury entitled Sewer Construction and Maintenance Fund. The Council shall designate by ordinance those monies which shall be deposited on a regular basis into such fund. Monies deposited into the Sewer Construction and Maintenance Fund shall not be subject to reversion to the Reserve Fund. All monies received and deposited into the Sewer Construction and Maintenance Fund, except to the extent their use is otherwise authorized by ordinance, shall be expended as provided in the budget or as may be authorized by the City Council by resolution for the purpose of financing the cost of acquisition, construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, alteration, replacement and repair of property and facilities for the collection, treatment and disposal of sewage for the City of Culver City. Provided, however, that whenever monies received by the City subject to limitation imposed by the City upon the use thereof have been placed into such fund, such monies may be expended only in accordance with said limitations. The Director of Public Works shall cause the necessary demands to be drawn upon the monies so approved for expenditure.
('65 Code, § 29-26) (Ord. No. CS-666 § 1(17))