For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   DEVELOPER or OWNER OF REAL ESTATE. Person, firm, company, corporation, governmental unit, charitable or not-for-profit organization or association making application for a permit for a main extension or to use an existing main.
   EXISTING SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE. Structure occupied by a single individual, a single family, or which was suitable for occupancy.
   OFF-SITE MAINS. Mains required to reinforce or extend the present water system to the point(s) where the on-site mains are to be located on public right-of-way or dedicated easements.
   OVERSIZING. The installation of a main of larger diameter than necessary to adequately furnish water to the specific development in which it is installed.
(Prior Code, § 3.1C.20) (Ord. 95-009, passed - - 1995)