For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BACKFLOW DEVICE. Device used to stop the flow of water or contaminants into the public water supply distribution system from a source other than the public water system.
   CROSS-CONNECTION. Physical connection between the water supply of the town and any private supply on the premises of the customer or any plumbing connection or appliance on the premises of the customer through which the town supply could become contaminated or chemical or physical properties changed.
   CURB STOP or SERVICE STOP. Valve inserted in the service pipe near the curb or main for the purpose of turning water on or off to the premises supplied or to be supplied.
   CUSTOMER. Person, firm, corporation, association, governmental agency or other political subdivision of the state, either as tenant or owner, which has been, is being or is to be supplied with water service by the town.
      (1)   NON-RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER. Persons, firms, corporations, associations, governmental agencies or other political subdivisions of the state receiving and paying for service other than for residential purposes.
      (2)   RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER. Persons receiving and paying for service exclusively for residential purposes.
   DISCONNECTION. Termination or discontinuance of water service.
   DISTRIBUTION MAIN. Pipe owned by the town which delivers water to:
      (1)   Fire hydrants;
      (2)   Fire lines;
      (3)   Service pipes; and
      (4)   Private mains.
   INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE. Temporary discontinuance of service due to emergency, construction or maintenance requirements of the town.
   METER. Device owned by the town and which measures and records the quantity of water supplied to the customer.
   MONTH. Period between any two consecutive regularly scheduled meter readings and billings for water service. The billings are scheduled at approximately 30-day intervals.
   PREMISES. Dwelling, buildings, structure or parcel of real estate which is supplied through a separate service pipe and meter installation.
   PRIVATE MAIN. Privately owned supply main leading from a distribution main to one or more customer's premises. The MAIN is not a part of the town's system and is maintained by the customers which it services.
   SERVICE. Supplying water to premises of customer.
   SERVICE LINE. Supply pipe leading from the tap in the distribution main to or into the premises supplied or to be supplied.
   TAP or CORPORATION COCK. Fitting owned by the town and inserted in the distribution main to which the service line or private main is attached.
   TOWN. Town of Culver.
(Prior Code, § 3.1C.2) (Ord. 95-009, passed - -1995)