§ 150.066 SCOPE.
   (A)   Adoption by reference. Indiana Code 36-7-9, et seq., is hereby adopted by reference as the Town of Culver Unsafe Building and Property Ordinance. All proceedings within the town for the inspection, repair, and removal of unsafe buildings shall be governed by I.C. 36-7-9, et seq. and the provisions of this subchapter. In the event the provisions of this subchapter conflict with state statute then the provisions of the state statute shall control.
   (B)   Purpose. It is the intent of the town to pursue ordinance compliance actively and vigorously to protect the health, safety, and environment of the public.
   (C)   Identify. All buildings and properties or portions thereof within the town which are determined after inspection by the Building Commissioner or his or her duly designated representative, to be unsafe as defined in this subchapter are hereby declared to be public nuisances and shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition, or removal.
   (D)   Right of entry. The Building Commissioner or his/her designated representative is authorized under this subchapter and under I.C. 36-7-2-3, as amended, to enter any subject premises, structure, or improvement at reasonable times to inspect the same. If entry is refused, the Building Commissioner or his/her designated representative is authorized to pursue an inspection warrant as provided by law.
(Ord. 2015-017, passed 10-27-2015; Ord. 2019- 013, passed 12-30-2019; Ord. 2022-001, passed 1-25-2022)