The following procedure shall be utilized by the ton and its Water Services Department.
   (A)   Water bills are sent out to customers on the last business day of each month.
   (B)   Bills are then due on the fifteenth of the following month.
   (C)   Penalties are assessed the following business day at noon.
   (D)   Late notices on accounts more than 30 days past due are sent out on the Thursday before the second Town Council meeting of the month (typically fourth Tuesday of the month). Late notices will also be sent out to any third party designees at this time.
   (E)   Shutoff date is the Wednesday following the last town council meeting of the month, unless the office is closed.
   (F)   If the user disputes the shutoff notice the user has a right to a hearing before the Culver Town Council at the last town council meeting of the month (typically the fourth Tuesday of the month).
   (G)   Payment arrangements are accepted by the Clerk's office and must be made on or prior to shutoff day and before disconnect work orders are distributed for shutoff. These arrangements can be made in person at the office or by telephone. Telephone arrangements must be made through a live agent. Arrangements left on the answering machine will not be accepted. All Utility Office staff hearing officers have authority to make these arrangements.
      (1)   A form is designed for the purpose of making the arrangement with a hearing officer, which can be any of the Utility Office staff.
      (2)   Form includes:
         (a)   Date and time the arrangement is made;
         (b)   Customer name and address;
         (c)   Reason for the arrangement;
         (d)   Date and amount that arrangement will be paid;
         (e)   Decision of the hearing officer;
         (f)   Offer for a copy of the arrangement;
         (g)   Verification of information;
         (h)   Signature of hearing officer; and
         (i)   Customer is advised that we do not make second arrangements and that they must keep the arrangement in order to avoid future shutoff.
   (H)   Once the disconnect work orders leave the Utility Office the customer will be assessed a $50 water shut off fee. A separate $50 charge will also be assessed to turn the water back on and reestablish water service once it has been turned off (as per Town of Culver Ord. 2015-008).
   (I)   Water will not be turned back on until the past due bill, $50 water shut off fee, and $50 turn on fee are all paid.
(Ord. 2016-003, passed 3-26-2016)