(A)   Generally. In accordance with the definition of subdivision in § 151.003 of this chapter, the division of any parcel of land fronting on an existing dedicated street or road shall be by means of a minor subdivision plat, providing the division creates no more than three lots, counting the balance of the original parcel as one of the three and further providing that the subdivision of the parcel shall not involve the creation of any new street either public or private. The balance of the parcel of land or any lot created within the minor subdivision shall be further subdivided only as a major subdivision, with this provision also being applicable to any subsequent change in ownership.
   (B)   Sketch plan. Prior to the submission of the actual plat, the subdivider shall submit a sketch plan and a soils report from the County Soil and Water Conservation District Soil Survey Publication indicating degree of soil limitation and consult informally with the Plan Commission. This will enable the subdivider to become familiar with the general requirements and conditions affecting the subdivision and avoid unnecessary revisions. The sketch plan should be in a tentative form with sufficient detail for informal review and comment.
   (C)   Preliminary plat. Although a preliminary plat approval for a minor subdivision is not required, a preliminary plat may be submitted to the Plan Commission with a request for approval. The Plan Commission approval of a preliminary plat is to serve only as a further guide for preparation of the final plat. Public notice for a minor subdivision plat will be given at the time an application for final plat approval is submitted.
   (D)   Final subdivision plat requirements. The original drawing shall be on a 24- by 36-inch vellum, linen or mylar film at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet or one inch equals 100 feet. Four copies shall be submitted to the Plan Commission. The drawing shall show the following:
      (1)   Name of the proposed subdivision;
      (2)   Complete legal description of the subdivision;
      (3)   Lot dimensions in feet and hundredths thereof, angles and/or bearings expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds;
      (4)   Lots numbered;
      (5)   Building setback lines dimensioned;
      (6)   Easements dimensioned and labeled as to their specific use;
      (7)   Right-of-way lines dimensioned, including existing right-of-way and any dedication required for the widening of an existing street;
      (8)   Name, address, registration number and certification of the registered land surveyor preparing or certifying the subdivision;
      (9)   Deed of dedication;
      (10)   Owner's certification; and
      (11)   Scale, graphic scale bar, north point and date.
   (E)   Supporting data and drawing(s) required information.
      (1)   Legal description and tract boundary drawing;
      (2)   Physical features such as wooded areas, swamps, wetlands and marshes;
      (3)   Existing topographic contours at vertical intervals of five feet or less from available data (geological survey data may be used);
      (4)   Access plans for the entire parcel if additional subdividing is probable in the future;
      (5)   Adjacent road(s), showing both the width of the right-of-way and of the improved surface area;
      (6)   Soil information from the County Soil and Water Conservation District indicating degree of soil limitation;
      (7)   Scale, graphic bar scale, north point and date;
      (8)   Source of water supply and sewerage disposal indicated;
      (9)   Proof of ownership of the property being subdivided, current address of owner and name and address of developer, if other than owner of record; and
      (10)   Names and addresses of all property owners of record within a radius of 300 feet from all plat boundary lines.
(Ord. 83-003, passed 4-12-1983)