(A)   No person shall park any vehicle on a snow route or allow any vehicle parked on a snow route to remain during a snow emergency period.
   (B)   Any vehicle parked in violation of this schedule may be towed away and impounded at the owner's expense. Further, any vehicle parked, stalled and incapable of moving under its own power, or left unattended in any prohibited area, may be towed away and impounded at owner's expense.
   (C)   A snow emergency shall exist when snow to the depth of three inches has fallen on town streets or at other times when snow, ice, sleet or other weather conditions jeopardize the flow of traffic so that it is necessary for the town to remove snow, ice, sleet or other substances for traffic and other emergency vehicles when the state is declared by the President of the Town Council or the person designated by the President of the Town Council.
   (D)   In the event a snow emergency is declared under these provisions rather than the automatic enactment of the snow emergency due to three inches or more of snow falling, then in that event, the President of the Town Council or his or her designee shall immediately inform the public of the existence of the snow emergency by issuing a press release to local radio services.
   (E)   (1)   During a snow emergency, the following streets are designated as snow routes and should be clear of all vehicles as set forth in the above sections and will be the first priority for clearing by the Street Department of the town.
      (2)   The following streets are designated as snow routes:
Snow Route
Snow Route
Academy Road
from Slate Street to the town limits by the Military Academy
College Avenue
from Slate Street to Lake Shore Drive
Jefferson Street
from Main Street to SR 17
Lake Shore Drive
from Slate Street to SR 10
Main Street
from Chadwick Shore to Lake Shore Drive
Mill Street
from Main Street to State Road 17
Ohio Street
from South Main Street to Lake Shore Drive
School Street
from Lake Shore Drive to SR 10 and 17
Slate Street
from Mill Street to Academy Road
      (3)   Further, the town may from time to time provide for identification of snow routes by appropriate signs and markers, and in this event the signs or markers constitute a snow route as established in this schedule.
   (F)   The snow route and emergency shall remain in full force and effect during a snow storm or other condition which requires subsequent replowing of the streets. However, after the storm has completed and the snow routes have been cleared and there is not additional snowfall of two inches, and there is not an additional declaration of a snow emergency by the Town Council President or his or her designee, then in that event, the snow emergency created herein will automatically terminate as it was automatically initiated. Further, the Town Council President or his or her designee may also terminate a snow emergency by the same means as was initiated.
   (G)   No person shall park any vehicle on a snow route or allow any vehicle parked on a snow route to remain during a snow emergency.
   (H)   Any vehicle parked in violation of this schedule may be towed away and impounded at the owner's expense. Further, any vehicle parked, stalled and incapable of moving under its own power or left unattended in any prohibited area may be towed away and impounded at the owner's expense.
   (I)   Whoever violates any provision of this schedule shall be fined a minimum of $100 per offense.
(Ord. 89-013, passed 11-13-1989; Ord. 03-004, passed 7-9-2003; Ord. 2012-01, passed 2-14-2012)