In the event that the town utilities receives a notice of address discrepancy, the employee responsible for verifying consumer addresses for the purpose of providing the service or account sought by the consumer shall perform one or more of the following activities, as determined to be appropriate by such employee:
(A) Compare the information in the consumer report with:
(a) Information the town utilities obtains and uses to verify a consumer's identity in accordance with the requirements of the customer information program rules implementing 31 U.S.C. § 5318(1);
(b) Information the town utilities maintains in its own records, such as applications for service, change of address notices, other customer account records, or tax records; or
(c) Information the town utilities obtains from third-party sources that are deemed reliable by the relevant employee; or
(B) Verify the information in the consumer report with the consumer.
(Ord. 2009-4, passed 8-4-09)