(A)   The town adopts the following rules and regulations concerning town-issued credit cards:
      (1)   The Town Clerk-Treasurer is the only person authorized to submit applications for credit cards in the name of the town.
      (2)   The Town Clerk-Treasurer shall maintain files concerning all credit card policies, agreements, and addendums.
      (3)   Only town employees shall be able to have access to and authorization to use town credit cards.
      (4)   The Town Council shall approve all individuals who are allowed to have access to and authorization to use town credit cards.
      (5)   Each employee approved by the Town Council to possess a town credit card (authorized employees) shall sign and date an agreement showing that he or she has received the credit card and has read these regulations.
      (6)   All town credit cards shall be issued individually, and each town credit card shall have the authorized employees name upon the credit card.  No “general” or non-named credit cards shall be issued with the exception of one to the Chief of Police for his or her reserve officers.
      (7)   The Chief of Police shall be issued one “general” credit card for his or her reserve officers to purchase gasoline only.  The general credit card shall only be in the possession of a reserve officer while an officer is on “active” duty. If no officer is on active duty, the credit card shall be returned to the Chief of Police or the Town Clerk-Treasurer for safe keeping.  The Chief of Police shall maintain a ledger of which reserve officer is in possession of the credit card and at what times.
      (8)   The Town Clerk-Treasurer shall maintain a ledger of all issued credit cards, credit card numbers, and to whom the credit card was assigned.  The ledger shall be kept in the town safe at all times.
      (9)   Authorized employees shall maintain the credit card on their person.  If an employee does not wish to keep it on their person, the authorized employee must turn over the credit card to the Town Clerk-Treasurer at the end of each business day.
      (10)   Under no circumstances shall town credit cards be allowed to be stored in vehicles.
      (11)   All town credit cards in the possession of the Town Clerk-Treasurer shall be kept in the town safe at all times, except for his or her personal town credit card if authorized.
      (12)   Authorized employees shall only use town credit card to purchase item(s) for the town.
      (13)   Town employees authorized by the Town Council to have a town credit card shall only use the credit card when an item cannot be purchased by way of claims, unless:
         (a)   An emergency exists and council approval cannot be obtained; or
         (b)   Or in the normal course of business to purchase gasoline for town vehicles.
      (14)   No town employee shall use a town credit card to purchase an item(s) in excess of $500 without Town Council approval.
      (15)   An authorized employee shall notify the Town Clerk-Treasurer immediately if he or she discovers that the credit card is lost or stolen.
      (16)   Upon the termination of an authorized employee's employment or authorization to hold a town credit card, the town credit card shall be turned over to the Town Clerk-Treasurer.  The Town Clerk- Treasurer shall notify the proper credit card agency and destroy the town credit card in front of at least one witness.
   (B)   Failure of any authorized employee to follow these rules and regulations may result in revocation of credit card privileges, censor, or termination of employment.
(Ord. 2010-2, passed 8-3-10)