(A)   The following rules and regulations concerning road cuts and utility crossings and connection policies:
      (1)   Any person, firm, or corporation shall contract with an independent agency for the design and planning of any utility work.  The town shall not be responsible for any design or planning for any utility work performed (other than its own).
      (2)   Any person, firm, or corporation who requires a road cut, utility crossing, or utility connection shall apply for a permit with the town hall.
      (3)   The applicant shall be responsible for identifying any and all other utilities now in existence at the application site.
      (4)   The application for a road cut, utility crossing, and/or utility connection shall include the following information on his/her/its application:
         (a)   Saw cutting of any town-owned street, road, or alley.  If any pavement spalls beyond the saw cut line, additional cutting shall be required.
         (b)   Depth of the evacuation.  All excavations shall be in accordance with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
         (c)   Existing utilities.  List of al existing utilities.
      (5)   Once any cutting and/or excavation has been performed, the exposed utility shall be inspected before and after any utility connection is made.  Applicant shall coordinate the inspection dates with the town hall.
      (6)   The area under, around, and above the utility line shall be backfilled with grade b borrow or sand at least 15 above the utility line.
      (7)   An excavation shall be backfilled under all areas of hard surface with #53 stone from 15 above the pipe up to the subgrade of the paving.  The backfill may also contain a maximum 18 lifts and shall be properly compacted prior to the placement of the lifts.
      (8)   The road cut shall be patched with #9 binder up to 1-1/2 of road surface.
      (9)   The road cut shall be patched with #11 surface course in final 1-1/2 of road surface.
      (10)   Any disturbed areas of earth shall be replaced in a condition as good as before the road cut, utility crossing, or utility connection. This shall consist of additional backfill, if necessary, and seeding the disturbed area.  This condition shall continue for a period of six months after the completion of the work.
      (11)   Permit applications shall be available at the town hall.  All applications must be submitted, reviewed, and approved before any work is allowed at the site.
      (12)   A fee of $200 shall be submitted with a permit application.
      (13)   A permit without all of the above information and fee shall not be accepted by the town hall.
      (14)   The permits shall be approved or rejected by the Street Superintendent or his or her designated agent, such as the Sewer or Water Superintendent.  If the permit is rejected, the reasons for the rejection shall be listed along with the notification to applicant of the rejection.
      (15)   All deviations or variances from the aforementioned rules and regulations may only be approved by the Town Council.
      (16)   A permit shall be valid for 90 days from the date of approval.  All work must be completed within the 90 days unless an extension is provided by the Town Council.
   (B)   Any person, firm, or corporation who violates any provision of this section shall be subject to penalties as set forth in § 10.99.
(Ord. 2011-6, passed 8-2-11)  Penalty, see § 10.99