§ 30.17  TERM OF OFFICE.
   (A)   Upon the establishment of the Board, the term of the members initially appointed shall be one, two, three and four years.  Thereafter as a term shall expire, each new appointment shall be made for a four-year term.  All terms shall expire on the first Monday in January of each calendar year, but an appointee shall continue in office until his successor is appointed.
   (B)   Upon the establishment of the Board, the term of the ex officio member initially appointed shall be for two years.  Thereafter as the term of the ex officio member shall expire, each new appointment shall be for a four year term.  All terms of the ex officio member shall expire on the first Monday in April of each calendar year, but an appointee shall continue in office until his successor is appointed.
(Ord. 1980-1, passed 12-2-80)