(A)   Dogs and cats to be impounded.
      (1)   At-large dogs and cats, nuisance dogs and cats, dogs and cats suspected of being neglected, subjected to cruelty or abandoned, and dogs and cats which have bitten persons or other animals may be taken by law enforcement or animal control officers and impounded by the town.
      (2)   In lieu of impounding a dog which is at large or a public nuisance, the law enforcement officer or animal control officer may issue to the known owner/guardian of such dog a notice of ordinance violation and may return the dog to the owner/guardian's property if the animal can be secured safely.
   (B)   Notice of impoundment.
      (1)   If the owner/guardian of an impounded dog can be identified, the town employee or law enforcement officer or his/her designees shall immediately upon impoundment notify the owner/guardian by telephone or mail.
      (2)   Dogs and cats whose owner/guardians are not identifiable or cannot be notified after reasonable effort shall be held for three calendar days from the date of impoundment, not counting officially recognized holidays, shall become the property of the town.
      (3)   Dogs and cats whose owner/guardians have been notified and who do not reclaim their animals within three day period shall also become the property of the town.
         (a)   Any stray dogs and cats shall become the property of the town and may be placed for adoption or humanely euthanized if not claimed by the owner/guardian within three days of impoundment.
         (b)   Any stray dogs and cats found with severe medical conditions and/or injuries shall be assessed by a veterinarian, as quickly as possible. Whenever possible, humane care will be provided in order to allow the dog to remain comfortable for the duration of the three day period. However, when a dog’s injuries or illnesses are so severe such that the dog cannot be maintained in a comfortable fashion, the dog may be euthanized prior to the end of the stay period.
         (c)   Any medical expenses incurred while the dog is in the care of the town shall be the responsibility of the owner/guardian of the dog should be the owner/guardian be identified.
         (d)   Dogs and cats that are the property of the town may be placed for adoption or humanely euthanized.
   (C)   Impounded animals - reclamation.
      (1)   An owner/guardian reclaiming an impounded animal shall pay a board fees as follows:
         (a)   Dog, impounded for one to five days $10 per day;
         (b)   Dog, impounded for six or more days $20 per day;
      (2)   The town may agree to waive same or all of its fines and fees at the discretion of the Police Chief if the owner/guardian of an unaltered dog agrees to have the dog spayed or neutered as a condition of its release.
      (3)   A person may reclaim a dog in the custody of the town or Jackson County animal control officer upon providing the following:
         (a)   Proof of ownership;
         (b)   Identification such as a driver's license; and
         (c)   Payment of redemption fee and any other service, medical fees, as approved by the Police Chief.
(Ord. 1981-2, passed 11-1-81; Am. Ord. 2012-6, passed 5-1-12; Am. Ord. 2014-4, passed 8-5-14)