(A)   Town service lines.
      (1)   Subject to § 53.08 on main extensions and subject to the terms of any applicable main extension agreement, the town will install a town service line when required in order to furnish general  water service provided the premises to be served abuts a street, highway or right-of-way in which a main is located.
      (2)   The customer shall install the customer service line to a point approved by an authorized employee of the town, after which the town will install the town service line from the main to the customer service line.  Where the town service line is already installed, the customer service line shall be connected to the town service line at a point approved by an authorized employee of the town.
      (3)   The town service line shall be furnished, installed, owned and maintained only by the town and shall remain under its sole control.  Only the town may make connections to its mains.  Nothing may be attached to the town service line other than by an authorized employee or agent of the town.
      (4)   Town service lines for temporary service shall be installed by the town at the customer's expense.
   (B)   Customer service lines.
      (1)   The town will specify the size, kind, and quality of all materials used in the customer service line. The customer service line shall be installed, maintained, and/or owned by the customer, at the customer's expense and risk. The customer service lines shall be installed in accordance with applicable town specifications below the frost line on firm and continuous earth so as to give unyielding and permanent support, and shall be kept free from leaks and other defects.
      (2)   The premises shall not be served by more than one customer service line unless otherwise approved by the town. Customer service lines supplying the premises shall not pass through or across any other premises. No water pipes or plumbing in any premises shall be extended from there to any other premises.
      (3)   The customer shall install and properly maintain a shut off or control valve of a type approved by local plumbing codes on the customer service line immediately inside the foundation wall in a readily accessible location, protected from the possibility of freezing, which will shut off and drain all plumbing within any and all buildings on the premises.
      (4)   The customer shall make, at the customer's expense, all changes in the customer service line required because of changes of grade, relocation of mains, sewer or highway construction, and other causes. A customer's service line which is irregularly located because there was no main abutting the premises at the time such customer service line was installed shall, at the customer's expense, be relocated and connected to a new town service line on the main abutting the premises when it becomes necessary for such customer service line to be repaired or replaced.
      (5)   Any customer service line laid in proximity to any existing or proposed sewer or drain line shall be installed in accordance with the Indiana Plumbing Rules and Regulations applicable to such installation.
      (6)   The town service lines and meters and appurtenances have defined capacity and no substantial addition to the water-consuming equipment should be made without first consulting with the town. The town is not responsible for inadequate or unsatisfactory service due to undersized town service lines, meters, or appurtenances. Replacement of undersized town service lines, meters, or appurtenances on the customer's property shall be made at the customer's expense. The town will, upon request, review customer's plans and specifications with respect to customer's service requirements, but it is understood that the town is under no duty to inspect such piping and equipment on customer's premises.
      (7)   A customer, occupant, owner, or any agent thereof is not authorized to attach the customer service line to town property or shut the water line on or off. If a customer, occupant, owner, or any agent thereof does so, and in making an attachment or in shutting off or turning on water does not properly replace the curb box cap or meter lid, or damages the curb stop, curb box, copper setter, or other property of the town, repairs shall be made only by the town, but at the customer's expense.
      (8)   The customer service line and all connections and fixtures attached thereto shall be subject to the inspection of the town before water will be turned on. All premises receiving a supply of water and all town service lines and meters and appurtenances, including any and all fixtures within the premises, shall at all reasonable hours be subject to inspection by any duly authorized employee or agent of the town.
(Ord. 2012-9, passed 11-5-12)