(A)   Meter reading.
      (1)   Water shall generally be supplied to all customers by meter measurement only pursuant to § 53.06(A)(1).
      (2)   Meters will be read on a monthly cycle, except in cases where the customer is billed as otherwise provided herein.
      (3)   The quantity of water recorded by the meter shall be conclusive, except as provided herein.
   (B)   Charges and billing.
      (1)   Tapping fees. Each user at the time it is connected with the water distribution system, shall pay a charge to cover the costs of tapping the main, furnishing and laying service pipe, corporation and stop cocks, service and meter box and installing the meter. The charge for a tap is the cost of labor, material, power machinery, transportation, and overhead incurred for installing this tap, but shall not be less than $300.
      (2)   Collection and deferred payment charges.  All bills for utility service not paid when due are delinquent. The time at which said bill shall be paid is 15 days after the date of mailing. The due date will be stated on each bill. All bills for water service not paid by the due date shall be subject to the collection or deferred payment charge of 10% of that part of the delinquent account which does not exceed $3 plus 3% of any delinquent amount in excess of $3. All bills for sewer service not paid by the due date shall be subject to a collection or deferred payment charge of 10%.
      (3)   Meter turn on/turn off fee.  A charge of  $25 will be made to the customer for each water meter turned on or cut off, other than for change of occupancy.
      (4)   Voluntary reconnection fee.  If a customer voluntarily requests removal of his meter for a definite or indefinite period of time, the customer shall pay the applicable minimum monthly rate multiplied by the number of months the meter has been out of service plus a reconnection fee of  $25, or the regular established connection fee, whichever is lesser, before a reconnection will be made for the customer.
      (5)   Involuntary reconnection fee.  If a customer has his service discontinued for nonpayment of bills, the customer must pay all bills due and payable plus the minimum monthly rate multiplied by the number of months the service has been discontinued plus a reconnection fee of  $50, or the regular connection fee, whichever is the lesser, before reconnection will be made for the customer.
      (6)   Special meter readings.  A charge of $20 will be made for each special meter reading made at the request of the customer, provided, however, if such special meter reading discloses that the meter was overread, no charge will be made to the customer.
      (7)   Dishonored check charge.  A charge of  $20 will be made to the customer for each check presented by or on behalf of the customer for payment of bills for utility service, which is not paid or honored by the drawee credit institution. This charge shall be in addition to any collection and deferred payment charges that may be applicable.
      (8)   Billing periods.
         (a)   Bills for general utility service shall be rendered and payable monthly in arrears.
         (b)   Special and non-recurring charges shall be payable on demand.
      (9)   Bill payments.
         (a)   All bills will be sent to the address provided by the customer. Customers are responsible for furnishing the town with their correct address. Failure to receive bills will not be considered an excuse for nonpayment nor permit an extension of the date when the account shall be delinquent or waiver of late payment, disconnect or reconnect charges or insufficient funds charges.
         (b)   The use of water by the same customer during the same time period at different premises will not be combined for billing purposes. The service to each of the premises will be billed separately.
         (c)   All charges follow the customer. Moving from one premises to another does not release the customer from an obligation for any unpaid charges for service at the previous premises as long as both premises have the same class of service. Such charges for service at the previous premises will be transferred to the new premises. If such charges remain unpaid for more than 45 days, such unpaid charges become delinquent and service to the new premises may be disconnected as provided in § 53.04.
         (d)   All bills for service are due and payable at a payment address of the town during normal business hours on or before the due date printed on the bills, and are considered delinquent if not paid by such date. The due date will not be less than 15 days after the date of the postmark of the bill, if mailed, or the date of delivery as shown on the bill if delivered by other means.
         (e)   Billing disputes will be handled in accordance with §§ 53.04 and 53.11.
      (10)   Estimated billing.  The town may estimate the bill of any customer pursuant to a billing procedure that utilizes accepted practices, other good cause, including but not limited to:
         (a)   Request of customer;
         (b)   Inclement weather;
         (c)   Labor or union disputes;
         (d)   Inaccessibility of a customer's meter if the town has made a reasonable attempt to read it; and
         (e)   Other circumstances beyond the control of the town or its agents and employees.
   Estimated bills shall be based on actual historical usage, when available, or on the average monthly usage for the customer.
      (11)   Bill adjustments.  Billing adjustments for meter errors, interruptions of service for a reason other than an act of the customer or the condition of customer controlled or owned equipment for more than two days after being reported by the customer or found to be out of order by the town, and all other billing errors including incorrect Rate Schedule applications, shall be adjusted to the known date of the error or one year, whichever is shorter.
(Ord. 2012-9, passed 11-5-12)