(A)   All significant industrial users, and other users where required by the city, shall retain and preserve for not less than three years all documents including records, books, memoranda, reports, correspondence, and any and all summaries relating to sampling and analyses in connection with its discharge to the POTW.
   (B)   Retained records shall include the following for all samples:
      (1)   Date, location, method, and time of sampling as well as names of persons taking the samples;
      (2)   Dates analyses were performed;
      (3)   Identification of analyst or commercial laboratory who performed the analyses;
      (4)   Analytical techniques and/or methods used; and
      (5)   Results of such analyses.
   (C)   Retained records for users subject to reporting requirements in this chapter, including reports concerning compliance with BMPs, shall maintain copies of the reports and documentation used to develop those reports.
   (D)   Requirements for retained records which pertain to subjects of an administrative order or any other enforcement activities by the city, MDEQ, or EPA are subject to provisions of § 51.085(A) of this chapter.
(Ord. 333, passed 5-16-16)