§ 151.43 LOTS.
   Lots within a site condominium subdivision shall conform to the following standards.
   (A)   Sizes and shapes.
      (1)   The lot size, width, depth and shape in any subdivision proposed for residential use shall be appropriate for the location and the type of development contemplated.
      (2)   Lot areas and widths shall conform to at least the minimum requirements of the zoning ordinance for the district in which the subdivision is proposed.
      (3)   Building setback lines shall conform to at least the minimum requirements of the zoning ordinance.
      (4)   Corner lots in residential districts having a side-to-side relationship with lots across a common separating street shall have exterior side yards which conform to at least the greater of the two minimum side yards required by the zoning ordinance for the district in which the site condominium subdivision is proposed, except that in cases where the exterior side yard of a corner lot is essentially a continuation of the front yard of the lot immediately to its rear, The side yard shall not be less than the required front yard of the zoning district.
      (5)   Excessive lot depth in relation to width shall be avoided. A depth-to-width ratio of 3-1 shall normally be considered a maximum.
      (6)   Lots intended for purposes other than residential use shall be specifically designed for such purposes, and shall have adequate provision for off-street parking, off-street loading and other requirements in accordance with the zoning ordinance.
   (B)   Arrangement.
      (1)   Every lot shall front or abut on a street.
      (2)   Side lot lines shall be at right angles or radial to the street lines, or as nearly as possible thereto.
      (3)   Residential lots abutting major thoroughfares or secondary streets, where marginal access streets are not desirable or possible to attain, shall be platted with reverse frontage lots with an approved screen planting contained in a non-access reservation along the rear property line having a minimum width of 15 feet, or such other treatment as may be adequate for protection of residential properties, or with side lot lines parallel to the major traffic streets, or shall be platted with extra depth to permit generous distances between building and such traffic way.
      (4)   Lots shall have a front-to-front relationship across all streets where possible except as provided for under § 151.41. Any deviation shall require the review and approval of the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 282, passed 4-7-97)