(A)   All site condominium projects shall require the review and approval of the following agencies prior to final site plan approval.
      (1)   The Sanilac County Road Commission if any part of the project includes or abuts a county road, or, if any part of the project includes or abuts a state highway or includes streets or roads that connect with or lie within the right-of-way of a state highway, the Michigan Department of Transportation.
      (2)   The Sanilac County Drain Commission.
      (3)   The appropriate agency for the State of Michigan shall approve the extensions of the water supply system and the waste water disposal system, with appropriate County Health Department reviews, if required.
   (B)   In addition to the specific required approvals, all site condominiums project site plans shall be submitted to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, the Sanilac County Plat Board, each of the public utilities serving the site, and any other state agency designated by the Planning Commission, for informational purposes. The Planning Commission shall consider any comments made by these agencies prior to final site plan approval.
(Ord. 282, passed 4-7-97)