§ 94.99 PENALTY.
   Violation of the above provisions shall be deemed a municipal civil infraction. Any person held responsible of a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter shall either pay a fine of not exceeding $500 for each offense, and the city may request injunctive relief as provided by state law.
('77 Code, § 19.103) (Ord. 158, eff. 7-28-65; Am. Ord. 314, eff. 6-15-09)
   The Council has determined that the whole or part of the expense for clean up for a violation of this chapter is a local public improvement and may be defrayed by special assessments upon the property specially benefitted by confirmation of the costs through adoption of a resolution.
(Ord. 314, eff. 6-15-09)
   (A)   The special assessment may be levied against the property for the actual costs of clean up and for preparing of plans and specifications; estimated costs; the preparation for any hearing; the collection of special assessments; and any other costs concerning the clean up and improvements. The special assessment shall be declared by resolution.
   (B)   The City Council shall provide a copy of the proposed special assessment resolution, outlining all costs for the clean up, the description of the property, and the roll of actual costs of clean up to the property owner, by mailing a notice of hearing and the proposed resolution by first class mail to the last known address of the property owner more than 15 days prior to the hearing, confirming the assessment with notice that the property owner is entitled to a public hearing, and the date of hearing, and a statement that the property owner may attend and object to the assessment. The property owner may also provide written objections to the special assessment.
(Ord. 314, eff. 6-15-09)