It shall be unlawful for any owner or possessor of land in the city to do any of the following.
(A) Permit the land to be covered with or contain brush, weeds, dead and dying trees, stumps, roots, obnoxious growths, filth, garbage, manure, trash, refuse or debris of any combination of the terms, which would either tend to start a fire, increase the intensity of a fire already started when it shall reach that land, cause poisoning or irritation to human beings from the obnoxious growths, or cause or tend to cause an unhealthy or obnoxious condition on the land or tend to devalue adjacent property.
(B) Permit the land to be covered with or contain refuse or debris resulting from the construction, demolition, or neglect of a building, which refuse or debris has remained on the land for more than 30 days after completion of the construction work, after the demolition, or after the loose boards, shingles, or other materials have fallen off a building, and where such refuse or debris is inimical to the preservation of the public health, safety, or general welfare of the people of the city, or which refuse or debris may constitute a fire hazard.
(C) Permit on the land an abandoned, unused or unprotected well, cellar, or other unnatural declivity in which stagnant water or debris is retained or which is dangerous to a person, including a child, being or coming upon the land.
(D) Permit to be stored or placed on such land old lumber, metal, machines or parts of machines, junk, paper, clothes, glass or refuse or any combination of them. Machines or parts of machines shall include automobiles or parts of automobiles in need of repair or which cannot be readily operated under their own power or which require substantial repair.
('77 Code, § 19.101) (Ord. 158, eff. 7-28-65; Am. Ord. 314, eff. 6-15-09) Penalty, see § 94.99