No person shall be eligible to any elective office who is in default to the City and unless he/she is a duly registered elector in the City, and has been a resident of the City for one (1) year immediately prior to the election at which he/she is a candidate for office. All votes for, or appointments of, any such defaulter shall be void.
The Mayor and Councilpersons shall receive such compensation as is determined by the Local Officers Compensation Commission of the City of Croswell in accordance with the provisions of Act 8 of the Public Acts of 1972, as amended, and the appropriate ordinance adopted by the City of Croswell in pursuance thereto. The compensation presently established for the Mayor and Council by the Local Officers Compensation Commission of the City of Croswell shall continue after the adoption of this section of the Charter for the remainder of the terms of the Mayor and Council unless otherwise changed by said Local Officers Compensation Commission pursuant to said Ordinance and the Law.
Such compensation shall be paid as best determined by the Local Officers Compensation Commission, but at least annually. Except as otherwise provided in this charter, such compensation shall constitute the only compensation which may be paid the Mayor or Council for the discharge of any official duty for or on behalf of the City during their tenure of office. However, the Mayor and Council may be paid such necessary bona fide expenses incurred in service on behalf of the City as are authorized and itemized.
The Council shall, at the first meeting in January following each regular city election, elect one of its members to serve as Mayor and one to serve as Mayor Pro Tem, both for a term expiring at the first council meeting in January following the next regular city election.
(a) Insofar as required by law, and for all ceremonial purposes, the Mayor shall be recognized as the executive head of the City. He/she shall have an equal voice and vote in the proceedings of the Council, but shall have no veto power.
(b) He/she shall be a conservator of the peace, and may exercise within the City the powers conferred upon sheriffs to suppress disorder, and shall have the power to command the assistance of all able-bodied citizens to aid in the enforcement of the ordinances of the City, and to suppress riot and disorderly conduct.
(c) He/she shall authenticate by his/her signature such instruments as the Council, this charter, or the laws of the State of Michigan or of the United States shall require.
(d) He/she shall exercise only such powers as the state laws, this charter, or the Council shall specifically confer upon or require of him/her.
(e) The Mayor Pro Tem shall perform the duties of the Mayor when, on account of absence from the City, disability, or otherwise, the Mayor is temporarily unable to perform the duties of his/her office, and in case of vacancy in the office of Mayor, until such vacancy is filled by the Council. He/she shall preside over the meetings of the Council at the call of the Mayor. In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of Mayor Pro Tem, the Council shall appoint from its elected membership to fill such vacancy.
The Council shall, as soon as possible with all due diligence after any vacancy exists in the position of City Administrator, appoint a City Administrator for an indefinite period and shall fix his/her compensation. The City Administrator shall be the Chief Administrative office of the city government. He/she shall have a college baccalaureate degree or its equivalent in a field pertinent to city administration, or he/she shall have had at least four (4) years experience in such public administrative work as would qualify him/her for the position of administrator, and said appointment shall be made without regard to his/her political or religious preferences. The City Administrator need not be a resident of the City at the time of his/her appointment and pursuant to state law shall not be required to become a resident thereafter. No member of the Council shall be eligible for the position of City Administrator within two (2) years of the expiration of his/her last term on the Council.
(Amendment Approved at the General Election of November 2, 2010)
The City Administrator shall hold office at the pleasure of a majority of the City Council, provided that he/she shall not be removed from office during a period of ninety (90) days following the swearing in of the Council after any regular city election except by the affirmative vote of four (4) members of the City Council.
The functions and duties of the City Administrator shall be:
(a) To see that all laws and ordinances are enforced;
(b) To recommend the heads of the several city departments to the City Council, to recommend removal of such department heads, to act as Personnel Director, and to administer labor contracts, personnel management and disciplinary actions in accordance with the policies of the City;
(c) To oversee the management and supervision of all public improvements, works and undertakings of the City. He/she shall have charge of the construction, repair, maintenance and cleaning of streets, sidewalks, bridges, pavements, sewers and of all public buildings or other property belonging to the City. He/she shall oversee the management and supervision of all city utilities and shall be responsible for the preservation of property, tools and appliances of the City;
(d) To see that all terms and conditions imposed in favor of the City or its inhabitants in any public utility franchise, or in any contract are faithfully kept and performed;
(e) To recommend an annual budget to the Council; to administer the budget as finally adopted under policies formulated by the Council and to keep the Council fully advised at all times as to the financial condition and needs of the City;
(f) To recommend to the Council for adoption such measures as he/she may deem necessary or expedient;
(g) To exercise and perform all administrative functions of the City that are not imposed by this charter or any city ordinance upon some other official;
(h) To perform such other duties as may be prescribed by this charter or as may be required of him/her by ordinance or by direction of the Council.
The Council shall appoint or designate an Acting City Administrator during the period of a vacancy in the office or during the absence of the City Administrator from the City. Such Acting City Administrator shall, while he/she is in such office, have all the responsibilities, duties, functions and authority of the City Administrator.