Persons desiring to qualify as candidates for any elective office under this charter shall file with the City Clerk a petition therefor signed by not less than twenty (20) nor more than forty (40) registered electors of the City not later than the closing time of the City offices on the twelfth Tuesday prior to the date of the regular and/or special city election. Blank petitions in substantially the same form as required by state law for state and county officers, except for references to party, shall be prepared and furnished by the Clerk. At least one week before, and not more than three weeks before, the last day for filing nominating petitions, the Clerk shall publish notice to that effect. NOTE: The Charter language pertaining to filing nominating petitions for the regular city election is superseded by Michigan Election Law MCL 168.646(a)(1) as amended under PA 276 of 2012. The candidate nomination petition filing deadline is the August Primary election date at 5:00 p.m.
(Amendment Approved at the General Election of November 2, 2010; Am. Res. 11-06-2017-1, passed 11-6-17; Am. Res. 02-05-2018-2, passed 2-5-18)